InteractiveGIS: Got Data?

Whether you represent a local, state or federal government, a business, or a utility, chances are your organization has collected data for decades in the hope that someday you’ll be able to put it to better use. With our system, you can start using that data today.

If you’ve got data-whether in another GIS database or not-your hard work is already done. Switching to us is easy and painless. You provide the data, and our experienced professionals will move it over seamlessly into our web-based interface.

You’re Not Losing Your Data-You’re Leveraging It.

Our web-based GIS software, iGIS can read your existing data in almost any format. When you click on the map, you’ll see your information as you’re used to seeing it-and more. We’ve migrated many databases over into our system, and with our experience, we can offer a seamless transition.

With Us, Your Data is Accessible Anywhere.

A water main breaks on a busy street. You have to notify everyone who lives within a thousand feet of that water main break-and you have to do it fast. But it’s late, your staff is at home, and your server is at work. Do you sweat it? Not if your GIS is online. In a few clicks, you’re in the system. You can access a list of all the people you need to notify in seconds.

With a desktop system, you’re limited to the amount of software licenses you purchased. Often your GIS is installed on a single computer or on a server that networks a number of computers within an organization. You’re limited to accessing your GIS on those machines, in that location. We’ll host your GIS online. This allows you to access your data anytime, anywhere, and on any machine-at no additional cost to you.

We’re Easy to Update.

You can have the best GIS in the world, but if your data is wrong or out-of-date, it’s useless.
With many of the other solutions in the marketplace today, it can be a complicated and time-consuming process to update your information. With us, it’s easy. Our quick FTP access allows you to update your information online in seconds.

We’ll also tell you what’s missing. With our unique DataGapSolutionsTM tool, you can count on the system to tell you what information needs to be verified; what’s out of date; and where the information gaps are. This could save you endless hours of combing through your database.